I was born in Berkeley and raised in Oakland, California. I caught the acting bug when I was eight years old. My first commercial was for D.A.R.E, followed by an after school learning commercial. I would always imagine myself as the movies' leading characters, especially those powerhouse movies back in my childhood growing up with strong Black actors like Wesley Snipes, Denzel Washington, and Omar Epps. Something about the Nino Brown character who was played by the super talented Wesley Snipes, in the scene where he first stepped out the car in New Jack City made me want to be "Nino" because he had such a commanding presence, especially as a black male leading role.
There is also a lack of African American super heroes. I would love to be part of a new legacy of heroes, and create more leading roles for Black actors. The hardest obstacles that Black actors face in Hollywood are the lacking of strong lead roles. I feel that we as Black actors are more powerful and smarter than what we give off. The problem is we tend to wait for someone else to make it and then we try to ride along with them and act as if we are on a higher level when really we could have done something earlier and embraced ourselves as a higher level. I won’t say we are lazy, we just have to understand that if Hollywood is not accepting us for these roles, then why not write our own scripts and until it's bought and filmed. We must keep AUDITIONING.

My favorite actors are Wesley Snipes, Omar Epps, Tupac Shakur, Denzel Washington, Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, and Steve Martin. The whole entire cast of HBO Entourage, Merlin Santana and Steve Harvey. I remember getting out of my parents car and re-enacting that scene hundreds of times doing the same steps he did, and speak like him, and I was only eight years old! Then I saw the movie Juice with all-Black male leading roles and became inspired by Omar Epps and Tupac Shakur's performances. I had seen Mo Better Blues with the brilliant acting performance by the legendary Denzel Washington; I knew I was going to be an actor. Those three movies sealed the deal for me. I love Spike Lee. Do The Right Thing along with his other films were all films that were not afraid to speak out and send the message of real life society. I also love Brett Ratner and James Cameron. They are wonderful directors. You must see their films if you haven't already.
My favorite films are Juice, Love Stinks, The Players Club, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Higher Learning. I feel I have my own unique style, but I definitely learned a lot from watching movies. I learned to mimic the timing and actions in the scenes, and I always reflected on the purpose of each scene so I could understand the mindset of the characters. Understanding timing and emotion can help an actor understand the role once he completely puts himself in his character shoes. That's how I approach every role I get. I strive to better my performances by expressing my character to its fullest potential because I never want to be seen as just an "actor."
The first thing I do is find out about the character I'm playing. Once the director tells me what obstacles the character is facing, I then decide how the character relates to the story. I also imagine the locations and lifestyle of the story and from there if I like it I dive in, and try to make one heck of a film or TV show or whatever the production, from the contribution of my role. I love improv, but I still work more towards the director's vision. I want to bring my characters to life.
My dream role is to create the Live Action version of Static Shock as Virgil Hawkins/Super Hero Static. I love the story and there needs to be a film that shows our youth what really happens in the streets. I am currently developing my own Fan Film Live Action Version of Static Shock with the hopes that Warner Brothers will pick it up. My other dream role is to play in a remake of Juice as "Bishop" or "Q/Quincy" or a remake of New Jack City as "Nino Brown" or even a remake of Mo Better Blues as "Bleek Gilliam." I wouldn’t mind a principle role in the upcoming Entourage movie either. The last character I played was as "Det. John Maccarley" on Discovery I.D's "I (Almost) Got Away with It episode 607 [it will air in July]. It was fun playing a Detective! I'm used to playing criminal roles on the show, for example, I played as "Al Hudson" on an episode of Prey on Tourist. So, yeah it was awkward to play the counterpart, but at the same time, it was fun, and I learned to play both roles.
I book roles on my own. I had an agent, but I'm independent actor at the moment, and I will be joining an agency somewhere in the near future. My advice to fellow actors is to understand that we as actors love to celebrate every role we get especially when we first start this career, but I feel in order to make it (whatever you call making it) that you should not tell people about your upcoming projects until you've filmed it, or when you are officially signed on to play the role. It's good to help people, but you must understand that in this town it's a dog eat dog world. When you are on the set you need to focus and try to be friendly. No one wants to spend weeks or months with a professional non-social stiff body and always remain professional. Understand that you are supposed to have fun, and the more fun you have, no matter your role, you will always bring out your best performance because you are doing what you love. I recently worked on Boiling Pot which is a film based on the offensive 'Compton Cookout' in 2009. The film stars Louis Gossett Jr. I feel it has a great message to help stop racism and profiling. The cast & crew are great actors and crew members and I couldn't be happier of the relationship we have with each other.
I've also worked on 'Fruitvale Station' starring Michael B. Jordan as "Oscar Grant" which is the winner of the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. The film is based on the real life tragedy behind the Oscar Grant shooting at the Fruitvale Bart Station on New Year's Eve 2009. This film is powerful. I was the stand in for Michael B. Jordan and I was also a Bart police fighter in the scene of where it all happens. A deep and great film with a very talented cast. I look forward to the July theatrical release. As of now I'm filming a Baseball film loosely based on the Minor League Baseball Team Marysville Gold sox. I play Pitcher "Reggie Ross". Yeah, Reggie is a funny ladies man character. I think the ladies will love him. That will be out in 2014.
I love God, and my family and friends for always supporting me and my love for acting. I love helping others and I stay focused on making society a better place for people. I put in the work to become a better person and I give respect to those that work just as hard at what they do as I do: I'm basically a people person. I enjoy myself and I love to have fun, but I am also extremely focused on my acting right now. Everyone who knows me knows that I am passionate and dedicated about my performances, regardless of the role, and I give everything I've got towards that.